If you are still waiting for your printed statements every month, there is a faster way to access your Jolt Credit Union account statement with eStatements.
- Faster delivery. No more waiting for the mail to arrive before you can see your account statement. eStatements are delivered to your inbox as soon as they’re available.
- Eco-friendly. Remember that campaign from the 1980s asking us all to “hug a tree”? eStatements are a little like hugging a tree, because no paper is needed to generate them!
- Declutter. Reduce the amount of paper you receive every month and stay organized. You will have access to the past 18 months of records electronically by simply logging into Online Banking.
- Secure. eStatements are delivered securely to you, lessoning the fraud risk posed when mail is misdelivered or stolen from mailboxes. Delivered securely through Online Banking, not your mailbox – reducing the opportunity for Identity Theft. In addition, eStatements are not emailed, they are available for download within Home Banking which requires a pin and password and multi-factor authentication to access.
- They’re absolutely FREE. Everyone’s favorite price!
- Easy signup. If you’re ready to switch to eStatements, enrolling is simple: To enroll, login to your Jolt Online Banking account and click on eStatements.
Not sure eStatements are for you? Give them a try. If you aren't happy viewing your statement online, you can change your statement preference anytime.
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