Don’t blow big bucks on your Halloween décor when you can DIY for a fraction of the price! Check out our list of creative, fun and inexpensive projects to make your home the spookiest haunt on the block.
- The mummified door
All you need for turning your front door into a bona fide mummy is a generous amount of toilet paper and a bit of masking tape. This project is easier with a helper, so get your kids or your significant other in on the fun!
First, open your front door to a 90-degree angle. Take a roll of toilet paper and tape the first piece to the upper right-hand corner of the door. Then start wrapping your door tightly from top to bottom, carefully pulling the ends through the crack between the door and the doorpost. If you’re working with a partner, it’s easiest if each person stands on opposite sides of the door as you pass the toilet paper back and forth. Use the masking tape as necessary.
Once your door is completely wrapped, secure the end of the toilet paper roll to the door with another piece of tape. Your door is now mummified! To dress it up, stick on some supersized felt or googly eyes.
- The bat chandelier
Are those real bats hanging from your chandelier? This spooky centerpiece will add just the right touch to your Halloween tablescape!
For this project, you’ll need the following supplies:
- 12-inch metal wreath form
- 14-inch metal wreath form
- Black spray paint
- Black glitter felt
- Black bead thread
- Black tulle
- Sewing needle
- Hot glue (optional)
Here’s how to turn your wreaths into a chandelier being attacked by a swarm of bats:
- Spray paint the wreath forms in black.
- Cut out bat shapes from the glitter felt. Use this bat template to make this part easier.
- String the bats together using the black bead thread.
- Cut out two strips of tulle that are large enough to cover the wreath forms. Fold one piece of tulle in half, and attach it to the smaller wreath form by sewing it on, or using hot glue. Repeat with the larger wreath form.
- To make a hanger for the top circle, tie one strip of tulle to opposite ends of the circle. Repeat with another strip of tulle.
- Use the thread to attach the smaller wreath form to the larger one in multiple places, so when the 14-inch form is lifted, the 12-inch form hangs below it. Make sure the attachment is secure.
- Hang your chandelier by attaching it to a light fixture or to a hook.
- Tie the strung bats to the hanging chandelier until you have an entire family of bats soaring across your house.
- Glammed-up pumpkins
Get ready to dazzle the neighborhood with your cluster of studly pumpkins! All you need to turn your gourds into sophisticated centerpieces is black acrylic paint, white acrylic paint, paintbrushes and round, gold studs. For the studs, you can use cheap costume jewelry. Gold thumbtacks will also do the trick.
To dress up your pumpkins, start with stripes. Take one pumpkin and use the white paint to create stripes on every other ridge or raised section of the gourd. Let the paint dry for at least 30 minutes.
When the paint has completely set, use the black paint to fill in the remaining spots until you have black and white stripes covering your entire pumpkin. How’s that for chic Halloween décor?
Now you’re ready for your studded pumpkin. Simply press your gold studs into a pumpkin, creating stripes that run parallel to the natural lines on the gourd. There’s no mess or extra tools involved, and the entire projectshould take just a few minutes. Prettied-up pumpkin, done!
Create several of each glammed-up pumpkin and set them up together for an adorable centerpiece or an outdoor decoration.
- Floating light-up witch hats
This one takes a bit more time, but the end result is a real show-stopper on your front porch!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 6 cheap witch hats. Depending on your porch space, you may want to make more or fewer floating hats. Adjust all quantities for this project as necessary.
- Fishing line (Approximately 18 feet)
- A long needle
- 6 LED light sticks. Look for a battery-powered, lightweight LED light stick that has a clip. Battery-powered tea lights will also work well.
- Safety pins
- 6 outdoor Command hooks
To hang your witch hats:
- Decide where you’re going to hang your hats, measuring spaces as necessary.
- Attach the Command hooks to the ceiling of your porch. Let the hooks set for 15 minutes.
- String three feet of fishing line onto the needle. Push the needle through the outside point of a witch hat and gently pull it to the inside of the hat, being careful not to pull the line all the way through.
- Remove the needle from the inside of the hat and tie the fishing line around a safety pin.
- Use a safety pin to attach the fishing line to a light stick, making sure it’s secure.
- Tie a loop around the other end of the fishing line (on the outside of the hat) and hang it on a Command hook.
- Repeat with the remaining hats and lights.
Your floating witch hats are ready to scare the living daylights out of the neighborhood!
Tip: Your LED lights will likely not last for a full month. You can turn yours off each night, or leave the floating hats up all month and only turn on the lights on the night of Halloween.
Make Halloween décor a family project this year instead of an expensive shopping trip. It’s fun, creative, and easy on the wallet!
Your Turn: Do you have a fabulous DIY Halloween craft? Share it with us in the comments.
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